Specialist of noise and vibration insulation
Hutchinson Paulstra, key partner for the industrial vibration insulation

Specialist of noise and vibration insulation

Air conditioners
Air conditioners are equipped with compressors or ventilators generating low-frequency vibrations, and are often installed in buildings (on roofs) where we will find acoustic and vibratory nuisances which can weaken the structures.

Specialist of noise and vibration insulation

Onboard or not, gensets are an important source of noise and vibrations.

Specialist of noise and vibration insulation

Installed in industrial halls and motorized, they allow equipments and heavy objects handling. Today, often equipped with sensitive electronic, protection against vibrations and shocks becomes compulsory.

Specialist of noise and vibration insulation

Suction systems or dischargers of fluids, pumps are widely deployed, whether fixed or onboard. Often motorized, they generate vibrations. The antivibration mounts reduce their noise pollution, and extend the life of moving parts.

Specialist of noise and vibration insulation